The year 2010 was a significant one in telecom across Middle East and Africa, and emphasised the region was moving rapidly out of the trough created by the global financial crisis. The changing dynamics of the operational landscape has led to service providers in the region moving quickly to shore up their organic businesses while at the same time seeking opportunistic M&A activities as they arise. Comm. compiles a list of the 12 service provider CEOs in the geography to have had the highest impact on the sector in the past year

Getting to grips with the customer
January 2nd, 2011 — Issue 22 December 2010
Communications service providers’ ability to reduce churn and successfully introduce new revenue-generating services can be achieved through their ability to understand and cater to the customer experience. While many service providers know this intuitively, Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN) has devised a framework that they can use to look at their networks, processes, and services, and implement practical measures to achieve the necessary results
End user expectations in mature markets have changed, and one reason is the growing usage of mobile broadband, which has increased focus on factors such as good network quality (Getty Images)

TMT talent pool
December 27th, 2010 — Issue 22 December 2010
Delta Partners is a professional services company whose rise to prominence mirrors the evolution of the telecom sector as it has occurred in and from Dubai over the past five years. Having completed its start-up phase with the establishment of three distinct yet related TMT-focussed business lines – management consultancy, corporate finance and investments – Delta Partners’ group managing director Victor Font, details the next phase of the company’s progress
Victor Font, Delta Partners’ managing partner says that reverse innovation is seeing companies in emerging markets starting to export their practices and ideas to more developed markets