Zain Jordan to pay US$200 million for 4G licence

Jordan is expected to have in place its first LTE network by the end of this year after Zain was awarded the necessary licence.

Zain Jordan was the sole qualified bidder in the controversial 4G licence tender, and paid JD142 million (US$200 million) for the licence, and a further JD50 million for additional 3G radio spectrum.

"Zain Jordan has about eight to nine months to launch the service commercially in the kingdom," ICT minister Azzam Sleit said.

Two new entrants applied for 4G licences, but were rejected on technical grounds, while the other two incumbent network operators – Orange and Umniah – declined to bid. There has been controversy over the licence conditions and the networks had opposed the issuance of the licences as premature.

The tender for the 4G licences was announced last June, with bids due by last October. The results were expected in January, but were delayed.

The two remaining network operators can still apply for licenses at a later date.


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