STC outsources customer care to JV company

Saudi Telecom (STC) has signed an outsourced contract with India’s Aegis to manage its entire customer care operations including billing, directory enquiry, collection, and verification. Aegis and STC will form a joint venture, Call Centre Company (CCC), to provide customer care to STC’s 28 million customers in Saudi Arabia. Initially, STC will transfer 550 agents across two directory-assistance centres. Over the next 18-24 months, Aegis will re-badge the remaining 4,500 STC customer care agents.

STC will hold 50 per cent plus one share in CCC, and Aegis the remainder, with the Indian company having operational control and responsibilities. CCC will enjoy an exclusivity contract with STC. Besides targeting other customers in Saudi Arabia, CCC will also pursue customer care opportunities in Bahrain and Kuwait.

Aegis – a subsidiary of the Essar Group – currently serves over 150 clients through a network of 47 delivery centres spread across 11 countries. It has more than 50,000 employees and serves a diversified base of customers in banking, financial services, insurance, telecom, healthcare, travel & hospitality, consumer goods, retail, and technology.


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