Nineteen operators interested in Mozambique’s third mobile licence

Mozambique’s communications regulator confirmed on May 5 that interest in the country’s third mobile licence is well above expectations, with 19 local and foreign companies having purchased tender documents. France Telecom, Zain and Portugal Telecom are among those who have expressed interest, and which have until June 21 to submit bids.

Following the deadline, the National Communications Institute of Mozambique will have 60 days to evaluate the tenders with the winner expected to be licenced by year end. A fee of US$25 million is applicable once the successful bidder has received the licence.

Bidders were required to have a bank guarantee of US$2 million before they could acquire tender documents, which will be refunded to unsuccessful bidders. Participating parties must also prove they have at least US$30 million worth of net assets and annual revenues exceeding US$50 million.

M-Cel currently leads the market in Mozambique with 3.5 million subscribers. Vodacom follows with an additional 2.5 million customers to make a total of six million mobile connections. The country has a population of approximately 21.7 million. M-Cel recorded revenues of more than US$270 million in 2008, while Vodacom earned around US$100 million.


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