LTT brings WiMAX to Libya

The LTT WiMAMAX network will support VoIP and high-speed Internet.

Libyan telco Libya Telecom and Technology (LTT) is set to launch commercial WiMAX services across the country in September, following the award of an infrastructure contract to Alcatel-Lucent.

The network will support VoIP and high-speed Internet access, enabling the delivery of advanced broadband multimedia services, complementing LTT’s existing fixed-line broadband services.

“We want to provide our residential and business customers a wide range of beneficial, easy-to-use wireless broadband services,” commented LTT’s planning and projects department manager Abdul Majeed Hussain.

LTT’s schedule of deployment includes rollout of 120 radio sites in the first phase of deployment and will incorporate beam-forming and MIMO technologies. Beam-forming enables a service provider to dramatically reduce the number of radio sites needed to provide coverage, in some cases by as much as 40 per cent, while reducing interference and ensuring better indoor penetration of the radio signal.

The MIMO innovation helps make radio links more robust, nearly doubling the capacity delivered in dense urban environments.


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