Gujarat bidding outpaces metro circles in India’s 3G auction

The Gujarat telecoms circle has surprisingly overtaken Delhi and other metro areas in the bidding for a 3G spectrum slot, during day four of India’s two-week 3G auction. It reached INR4.6 billion ($104 million) on April 13, ahead of Delhi with a bid price of INR4.37 billion and Mumbai with INR4.16 billion.

Gujarat is India’s western-most province, is located on the coast, and has one of the country’s fastest growing economies. Approximately 40 per cent of the state’s population live in urban areas.

Bidding for a pan-India licence has so far risen 31 per cent above the base price of INR35 billion, to currently stand at INR45.8 billion. Three nationwide licences are being offered in the auction, with government-run operators Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) and Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd (MTNL) sharing the fourth.

India’s government hopes to earn around US$10 billion from the proceeds of both the 3G and Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) auctions once they are completed.

1 comment so far ↓

#1 Madhav Bodas on 04.16.10 at 9:02 am

Gujarat under the leadership of Narendra Modi is a state that is in the spotlight these days. The results for 3G are not surprising, for this is one more endorsement for good governance, and people oriented policies.
If Modi can bring Tata to put up its Nano plant, just by putting through an SMS, imagine what can happen with 3G and Broadband access!

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