Ghossein replacement settles into new role

Jordan Telecom Group Orange announced that Nayla Khawam assumed her new responsibility as CEO of the telco as of July 1, 2009.

Khawam is said to have accumulated a clear vision throughout her career, which she plans to invest in evolving Orange Jordan while maintaining its place locally and regionally, through providing its customers with world class services.

khwam “It is my pleasure to head the highly qualified team of Orange Jordan employees, so we can, together, continue the journey towards growth and even greater achievements, commented Khawam.

Khawam was born in Lebanon and has resided in France most of her life. She has occupied many senior positions, the last of which was area director of the largest French region, the Paris Region, for France Telecom. The position placed her in charge of commercial and technical departments for mass markets and business clients.

Khawam was a member of Orange France committee, and she worked as the head of customer service for fixed, mobile and Internet.


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