Ecoweb launches 4G WiMAX network in Zimbabwe

Ecoweb has launched Zimbabwe’s first 4G WiMAX network, surpassing more developed nations in introducing the technology, according to local news source The Chronicle. Internet provider Ecoweb, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Econet Wireless, has already deployed more than 100 WiMAX base stations across the country.

"WiMAX puts Zimbabwe at par with the first-world countries in terms of telecommunications infrastructure. The new state-of-the-art access is capable of delivering quadruple-play services, that is, voice, video, and data with full mobility on one subscription on all Internet Protocol (IP) network,” stated Ecoweb’s general manager Isaac Chaza.

It is expected the new technology will complement Econet Wireless’ current 3G and GPRS offering, and satisfy growing demand for more bandwidth-hungry data services.


#1 bright ngumo on 05.12.10 at 11:30 am

Ecoweb rocks but I want 4G and I can’t get it. Why is that?

#2 munjoma on 11.23.10 at 10:42 pm

I am disappointed with Econet’s Wimax 4G product. I own one and since I started using it, I haven’t enjoyed the so-called speedy Internet access. It’s so slow that sometimes it fails to open a webpage, even the local Herald page sometimes cannot open. I am in Marondera and surprisingly 3G is perfoRming better than Wimax.
I need advice from the Ecoweb or Econet personnel as to what I should do because my bundle is about to expire without any money having been realised from the use of the 4G.

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