As a strategy-led publication, we are often asked to forecast what we believe to be the trends that will dominate the telecoms space in the coming years. It’s a hard question to answer, not least because technology develops at such a pace, but also because experience has shown certain developments that had been predicted to become sure fire successes, failed while others that the industry may not necessarily have intentionally fostered, have gone on to become significant winners.

Key performance indicators – selected handset manufacturers
August 31st, 2008 — Issue 3 September 2008
Change in selected handset manufacturer’s quarterly performance from Q107 to Q208. Continue reading →

Bahrain’s main telecoms indicators
August 31st, 2008 — Issue 3 September 2008
Bahrain began to liberalise its telecoms sector in 2002 with the establishment of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA). As of December 2007, the TRA had issued 152 licences including seven fixed-line, two mobile, 15 international calls and 10 Internet licences. Despite its small population, the kingdom remains one of the most connected and competitive markets in the MENA region.

Pecentage changes in selected operator performance H108
August 31st, 2008 — Issue 3 September 2008
Research conducted by Comm. telecoms publication shows that while revenue growth for operators in the Gulf region remains in double digit figures, net profits are being squeezed significantly, with two operators on Comm.’s list of eight regional service providers actually reporting a fall in profitability between the first half of 2007 and the first half of 2008.

Comium Mobile attracts attention
June 1st, 2008 — Issue 1 June 2008, Issue 3 September 2008
There are rumours circulating that at least one mobile operator is conducting a due diligence exercise of Comium Mobile (C-Mobile), the mobile communications arm of Luxembourg-based Comium Group.