Unsolicited text messages, web page banners while browsing the mobile Internet and banner ads on idle screens… These formats still constitute the most predominant types of mobile advertising that mobile phone users are exposed to today, and are largely initiatives based on formats from the online world of advertising.

Brimming with potential
October 11th, 2011 — Issue 29 October 2011
A combination of international and regional developments over the past 12 months has prompted unprecedented changes in the business environment in the Middle East. In a wide-ranging discussion with Comm., Ericsson’s president for Region Middle East explains why the region remains a viable ICT hub, and how the years ahead are poised for strong growth
Anders Lindblad has been president of Region Middle East for Ericsson for about 18 months, in which time he has witnessed tremendous change within as well as externally to the telecom sector

Group dialogue
October 8th, 2011 — Issue 29 October 2011
Motorola’s proprietary group communications technology iDEN has been largely successful across the Americas and in parts of Asia, without ever having taken Europe, the Middle East, or Africa by storm. Razi Sayyed, Motorola Solutions’ iDEN MEA regional account manager believes that is about to change with particular reference to Africa, where he believes significant potential for adoption exists
Razi Sayyed is excited about extending iDEN’s footprint to a new continent for the first time

Experienced hands; new ideas
October 6th, 2011 — Issue 29 October 2011
Ahmad Julfar was confirmed as CEO of Etisalat Group in August this year, and in his first official interview since his appointment, details his plans to build on the telco’s strong history in order to overcome very real, modern, and complex challenges
Julfar believes very few other telecommunications company in the world have a more complete portfolio of products, capabilities and talent than Etisalat

High IQ
October 4th, 2011 — Issue 29 October 2011
Qualcomm held its annual innovation event last month, where much of the emphasis was placed on the growing connectivity of traditional and non-traditional communications devices, and the interfaces to interact with them. Demonstrations included wireless health applications, augmented reality and gesture-based technology, underlying Qualcomm’s growing portfolio of next generation mobile services. Comm. reports from Istanbul
Jacobs says Qualcomm is spending a lot of time looking at how to get its chipsets into other devices and machines beyond [traditional] mobile devices