Broadband ROI

Investment in broadband infrastructure is taking place at a breathtaking pace across the world, and market commentators continue to forecast the exponential growth at which data traffic is set to increase. Despite these attractive industry dynamics, service providers continue to struggle to devise business models that adequately monetise the opportunity beyond charging for access, and the answer appears to still be some way offBooz&Co - Ghassan Hasbani IMG_4132

STC International’s Hasbani believes that the segmentation efforts that network operators are currently undertaking need to be extended even further in order to maximise on the broadband opportunity

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Outsourcing balance

In the past five years the case for outsourcing certain processes and management of network elements has been accepted as a viable cost management and efficiency driver. However, what still remains unclear is the most effective way to measure when such gains are maximised, and when diminishing returns begin to manifest, and how to redress the situationiStock_000003307226Medium (2)

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Open for business

Like so many other disruptions Apple has brought to telecom, the success of its mobile app store has grown to become the envy of network providers. If there is an example of how service providers can be relegated to the position of access provider with little-to-no participation in the high margin applications that are being bought and sold over the network, it is the mobile app storeOpener

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One subscriber at a time

Deepening of the competitive landscape in Afghanistan over the past few years has meant that Roshan has had to work harder to stake its claim to be the country’s most popular mobile provider. Roshan CEO Karim Khoja describes how customer retention is the absolute name of the game and how satisfying a subscriber at a time is likely to keep the operator in pole positionKarim Khoja small

Khoja intends to keep Roshan ticking over through a combination of tight cost control and churn-limiting strategies

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M2M – delivering next generation healthcare to remote communities

It is no surprise that healthcare professionals are turning to wireless technology to significantly improve healthcare practices around the world. There are great challenges faced by national healthcare systems in terms of prevention and efficient provisioning of medical care to an ageing population with growing incidence of chronic diseaseseHealth_keyvisual_highres

With the patient’s prior consent, M2M solutions enable mobile health devices to remotely monitor, connect and communicate the patient’s health status to a medical specialist over the air

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