Constant change

Alcatel-Lucent’s Europe, Middle East, and Africa president, Adolfo Hernandez, believes the company’s decision to concentrate on the activities and technologies in which it has intrinsic advantages shall serve it even better as time goes on. High leverage networks, fibre, femtocells and LTE are amongst those areas in which the technology company expects to excel a_hernandez-w003small

Hernandez, Alcatel-Lucent’s EMEA president says with 40 per cent of the company’s revenues being generated in the region, it remains a strategically significant one

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Differentiate or suffer the consequences

The monetisation of broadband networks is likely to be one of the key differentiators between successful and not-so-successful service providers now and into the future. Georges Dabaghi, general manager of On Demand Group, the content management subsidiary of content aggregation and video-on-demand (VOD) specialist SeaChange International, identifies areas in which telecom service providers can gain from IPTV and video content delivered over their networksGeorges Dabaghi GM SeaChange ME

George Dabaghi is general manager of On Demand Group, the content management subsidiary of SeaChange International

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Are catalysts in place to see tower company success in Africa?

Across many emerging markets today, there is a heightened focus on efficiency in spending as operators pursue strategies to achieve capex and opex savings in their operations. For emerging market operators, many of whom are in the process of further network rollout; rural expansion and its associated higher capex per erlang is forcing through alternative solutions to keep down their costs per minute. Tower spin-offs and leasing from independent third-party tower companies is one such option, increasingly making the headlines. This form of network sharing not only limits the absolute cost of coverage in rural areas but also improves the economics enough to make it viable. Devine Kofiloto

Devine Kofiloto is a consultant with Deccocon, an independent consulting business focused on emerging markets

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