Tricky business

While estimates of the number of residents who have left the UAE over the past 18 months as a result of the global economic downturn vary between tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands, the country’s mobile retailers are clearly feeling the pinch of the quieter operating environment

Pic 1 - 96032926 web A shadow has been cast over the UAE’s mobile retailer market as trading conditions have tightened exceptionally over the past 18 months (Getty Images)

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The US$23 billion bet

Following years of false starts, the award of 3G spectrum finally took place in India earlier this year, with bidder appetite for broadband spectrum raising billions of dollars for the treasury. Comm. looks at the winners of both the 3G and broadband wireless access licences and assesses what direction the bidders’ strategic plans are set to take

BetIndia is one of the fastest growing mobile markets, and with particularly low broadband penetration, stands to be a tremendous growth opportunity to operators and vendors alike

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Open Days 2010

Much of the success of individual vendors shall depend on the technology choices they are currently making. Given the pace of change and the pressure of competition, it is an arena with an extremely narrow margin for error. Alcatel-Lucent opens the doors to its Bell Labs research facility in Villarceux to showcase the innovations it is backingA Mechaly - Official

André Méchaly says Alcatel-Lucent’s emphasis on innovation is helping carve niches out for the vendor in a competitive market

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The perfect storm

Five years after having introduced mobile services in Oman in March 2005 as the country’s second provider, Nawras has grown to become one of the most successful new entrant launches in the Middle East. Counting a subscriber base virtually on par with the incumbent and having innovated in a number of key areas, the introduction of fixed-line services and preparation for an IPO before the end of the year is likely to round off a spectacular fifth year of operation for the companyNawras - Ross Cormack IMG_3882 web

Ross Cormack has presided over the growth, development and success of Nawras over its five years of existence

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China makes TD-LTE count

As the world’s largest mobile telecom market, China has the muscle to single-handedly create and sustain a market for products and technologies that the rest of the world may not necessarily be as enthusiastic to adopt. However, in the case of TD-LTE, China Mobile’s early investment in the technology, and its desire to see it adopted as a global standard, has created a momentum with global implications and opportunities. Comm. reports from Shanghai Motorola - Bruce_Brda web

Brda says Motorola needs to drive the 70 per cent re-use between WiMAX and LTE even higher in 2010

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