On the right track

The GSM Association’s primary reason for being is to lobby for the interests of mobile operators, most of them with a GSM heritage, in a rapidly evolving landscape. Ricardo Tavares, senior vice president at the GSMA believes HSPA has a particular resonance in markets in the Middle East given the pent-up demand for Internet access and the relatively high penetration of mobile handsetsImage.Ricardo Tavares.VP Public Policy GSMA

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Fun times

Mobile gaming services have long held revenue-generating potential for operators and developers alike, though the construction of a viable ecosystem has been longer in the making. With the development of appropriate terminals, the greater amount of social networking taking place across mobile devices, and an evolved charging regime, the coming 12 months are set to witness strong mobile gaming activity3114328EL007_Wireless

At the end of October, Nokia announced the closure of its N-Gage store, which was specifically designed to sell games for Nokia phones. Many lessons have been learnt in the mobile gaming space since the first N-Gage device was introduced in 2003

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Steel hand in a velvet glove

In the past three years Qtel Group has matured into a pre-eminent operator having initially been considered one of the losers of the rapid M&A activity that had erupted in the Gulf a few years earlier. Speaking to Comm., Nasser Marafih, Qtel Group’s CEO talks of domestic competition prudent investment considerations and why sub-Sahara Africa is of little interest to the operatorMarafih 2

Marafih says things have pretty much been as the telco expected with respect to the offers that Vodafone has come to market with

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