Reaching out to the world

Qualcomm will celebrate its quarter century next year, and will have much to look back and be proud of. Not only did it develop and deploy CDMA wireless technology at a time when not many believed in the viability of the technology, it has gone on to become a US$70 billion plus market capitalised company, and one of the world’s most profitable. Reporting from San Diego, Comm. considers the strategies Qualcomm is employing in order to maintain the significant momentum it has garnered over the past 24 years, and considers the company’s roadmap for the futurePaul_Jacobs Qualcomm web

Paul Jacobs says he sees significant scope for the telecom industry and Qualcomm to ebenfit from the uptake of mobile broadband, mobile computing, and healthcare

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Managed approach

With the UAE’s mobile penetration rate above 200 per cent, and the country’s two serviced operators pushing technological advances to their networks and services all the time, regulating the market in a manner that enhances and not harms it is a delicate balance to maintain. The UAE’s Telecommunications Regulatory Authority has been undertaking this task since 2004, and its director general, Mohamed Al Ghanim highlights the regulator’s policy direction and areas of focusDG COVER small

Mohamed Al Ghanim believes customers must be offered a choice of alternatives whenever possible

Speaking at a conference in Dubai late last year, Etisalat’s chief corporate aff

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Encouraging signs

Greg Brown became CEO of Motorola at the start of 2008, at a time when the company’s handset business was in steep decline having failed to recapture the momentum generated by the introduction of the iconic RAZR handset in 2005. Almost two years into his tenure, moves are underway to separate the handset business of Motorola from the network business, and Brown sounds more optimistic about Motorola’s future than at any time in the pastGreg Brown small

Brown says Motorola will continue to focus on existing customers, 4G, and over time, public safety

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