Bangladeshi mobile operators to network share

Bangladeshi operators, Warid Telecom and Pacific Bangladesh Telecom (Citycell) have signed an agreement to share the passive elements of around 350 of their respective base stations – covering towers, poles, transmitter equipment, transmission bandwidth and power supplies.

It is expected the deal will not only reduce their combined capital expenditure, but will also have a significant impact on their operating expenditure in rural areas, especially if power supplies are shared and base stations are manned by local security staff.

Chief financial officer of Warid Telecom, Amyn Merchant, said it was a landmark agreement in the history of Bangladesh’s telecoms sector. “By collaborating with Citycell, we can cost-effectively serve our customers with wider coverage and greater capacity. It is a win-win deal for both the parties,” he commented.

Warid has also agreed to buy access to a fibre network operated by Citycell for backhaul and bandwidth purposes. Earlier this year, Warid said it aimed to have nationwide coverage in Bangladesh by the end of 2009. The company has earmarked an investment of US$1 billion over the next three years, with some US$250 million being spent over the next 12 months.


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