How Qualcomm plans to meet the 1000x data challenge

The phenomenal growth in mobile broadband has created a massive challenge for the industry to satisfy the thirst for data, yet it has also created an equally significant market opportunity. If leveraged effectively it could transform users’ mobile experience for the region. While it is a fact that mobile data continues to grow unabated, Qualcomm believes what the industry now needs is a focus on practical solutions to manage and grow from this trendHani_Yassin_040.jpg (853x1280)

Hani Yassin is Qualcomm‘s Senior Director of Technology for the Middle East, Africa and Central Asia

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Evolution to LTE in the Middle East will require DSI

Middle East operators know that brand innovation relies on the speed at which they adopt LTE. Concurrent to LTE investments should be investments in Diameter signalling infrastructure – critical behind-the-scenes communications necessary to make LTE succeedTekelec_Doug Suriano_Portrait

Doug Suriano, CTO, Tekelec

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People Matters column

Did you miss the talent opportunities offered up during the recessionary market – or did you manage to land some competitive advantage in the topsy-turvy global talent market of the last few years? Craig Coverman, CEO of executive search firm Eutopia, explores the realities for organisations operating in the telecom arena today – and how the market for talent has developed during this periodCraigCoverman

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Managing the new conversation experience

As LTE is commercialised in an increasing number of markets across the globe, Laura Merling, Alcatel-Lucent’s senior VP of Application Development Platform and Strategy, details how service providers, enterprises and developers can work intelligently to ensure they remain an integral part of the rapidly evolving wireless data ecosystem ALCATEL-LUCENT

Laura Merling is Alcatel-Lucent’s senior VP of Application Development Platform and Strategy

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Qualcomm charts new directions for content and applications market

With smartphones having entered the affordability ranks, the device game is being spruced up with the drive towards enhancing supporting applications and content. Set to up the stakes in the mobile content space, Qualcomm is taking new routes to drive the content ecosystemMoheb Ramsis (916x1280)

Moheb Ramsis is senior director of business operations for North Africa, Qualcomm

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