Alcatel-Lucent to build Togo’s first 3G network

Togo Cellulaire (Togocel) today awarded a EUR 22 million (US$31 million) contract to Alcatel-Lucent to expand the mobile operator’s current GSM capacity and build the first 3G wireless broadband network in the West African nation. The new network will be deployed by end-2010, and will enable Togocel to offer advanced mobile broadband services.

TogocelAlcatel-Lucent will implement a full end-to-end turnkey solution including its converged radio access network (RAN) and transport solution based on 3G/HSPA technologies. The France-based vendor will also provide network planning, radio design and operation and maintenance optimisation.

Togocel was inaugurated in 1998 and is a subsidiary of Togo Telecom, the state-owned operator. With more than 1.6 million subscribers, 99 per cent of which are prepaid, it holds the lion share of the market with 75 per cent of subscribers, ahead of its only competitor Telecel Togo.


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