Zain KSA CEO resigns and is replaced by Hassan Kabbani

Zain’s Saudi Arabian subsidiary has announced that its CEO, Fraser Curley has resigned from the company with immediate effect – citing personal reasons.

The company said that it is naming Hassan Kabbani as its new CEO.

Kabbani joins Zain KSA at a crucial stage of the company’s evolution. With 23 years of executive telecommunications experience in the Middle East and Africa, Kabbani joins Zain with very strong credentials. To date, he has held the post of CEO of five successful telecommunications operations, playing a pivotal role in business transformation, and helping them to achieve extraordinary growth.

Kabbani headed mobile operations within the Orascom Telecom Group in Egypt, Algeria, sub-Saharan Africa, Yemen, and Syria, and prior to these leadership roles held key commercial and customer focused roles in France Telecom Mobile Lebanon. Most recently he was advisor to the chairman and board member of Oger Telecom, as well as a board member of Cell C in South Africa.


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