Huawei has unveiled its latest premium smartphone device, the Huawei Ascend P6, claiming it to be the world’s slimmest smartphone measuring just 6.18 mm thin. The smartphone was revealed during a worldwide press launch in London.
As one of the flagship smartphones of the Huawei Ascend P series, the Ascend P6 features a 1.5GHz quad-core processor and a sleek metallic body. With its 4.7-inch high definition in-cell display, an industry-leading 5MP front-facing camera, and a proprietary Android OS skin, the Ascend P6 is a top-end device.
The announcement comes just a month after the Middle East launch of the Huawei Ascend P2—the world’s fastest 4G LTE smartphone—and the Ascend Mate—the world’s largest smartphone with a 6.1 inch screen—with the company looking to advance its position amongst the top five worldwide smartphone brands.
The Ascend P6 will begin shipping to China from June followed by Western Europe starting in July, with other global markets including the Middle East to follow. No price has yet been revealed for the smartphone.
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