MTN chooses MTN insider to take over from Nhleko

MTN Group has appointed Sifiso Dabengwa as its chief executive officer and president to replace Phuthuma Nhleko, effective March 31, 2011. MTN Group - Sifiso Dabengwa web

Dabengwa, MTN’s current chief operating officer, has been with the group for 11 years.

Prior to joining MTN Dabengwa was an executive director at state power utility Eskom.

He has held senior management positions at MTN and managed the company’s two biggest units, Nigeria and South Africa.

MTN also said in a statement that the position of chief operating officer has been abolished and instead it will appoint a new chief executive of its international operations.

The company also said that Nhleko had accepted the board’s invitation to become a non-executive vice-chairperson and non-executive chairperson of yet-to-be established MTN international operations board.


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