Majan Telecom CEO scours for regional MVNO opportunities

Omani MVNO Majan Telecom has made some adjustments in the local management structure so that Niklas Nielsen is no longer so involved in the local operation in Oman. He now rather focuses on developing new opportunities.

Majan Telecom, which operates under the brand name Renna in Oman, declared from the very beginning of its incorporation that it wanted to focus heavily on making a successful launch in Oman, and use this as a stepping-stone to expand regionally. Having launched commercial operations earlier this year, and enjoyed customer take-up beyond the company’s expectations, Majan Telecom felt confident to enter the next phase of its regional development.Majan Telecom - Niklas Nielsen CEO 2

Nielsen has thus handed over the role as CEO of the local operation in Oman to Joakim Klingefjord but will also maintain his role as CFO. Fredrik Nystrom will continue as CMO. This change in structure will enable Nielsen to develop new opportunities while keeping an eye on the business in Oman from the group level.

“The move goes very well in hand with the general opening up of the markets for MVNOs where we feel positive winds blowing with several operators having picked up their progression,” commented Nielsen. “I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw the next signed MVNO agreement before summer next year,” he added.


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