Jordan launch of ‘TV from Orange’ delayed by three months

Orange Jordan has launched its IPTV service ‘TV from Orange’ on the anniversary of the Jordan Telecom’s rebranding to Orange, however, the service comes three months later than initially planned.

Orange Livebox Orange Jordan’s IPTV service will be delivered through the Orange Livebox ADSL wireless router

Designed for broadband connections and Orange’s Livebox ADSL wireless router, the IPTV service will provide subscribers with high-quality broadcast TV, video on demand (VOD), and other interactive services and premium Arabic and international content.

The service was launched in collaboration with Russian telecoms solutions supplier, Intracom Telecom, and the Arab Radio and Television Network (ART), a leading producer of Arabic media.

However, the appeal and uptake of such a service will remain to be seen, with only 100,000 ADSL broadband subscribers in Jordan as of March this year.

Orange Internet will offer this service to its subscribers in two packages; subscribers can access 21 satellite channels for monthly fees up to JOD25 (US$35) or view 25 satellite channels for JOD30.  Videos on demand will cost JOD1.5 (US$2) each.


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